Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

J'aime beacoup 500 days of summer

hello there, how're you? what???your good?oh nice...

well, one year ago I buying a dvd, but it's spoils :p the tittle is : 500 DAYS OF SUMMER

I thought it was an ugly and not interesting movie but... I'm totally wrong!! this is an epic movie! I love it, and especially their outfit! I love it I love it I love it!!!!!! :) hahaha ok I'm too much, you want to see the outfit right?here they are .......
this is my favorite :)


a girl in the bar

the cute one

vest rules!

zooey is a stylish one! I like this girl, such a good role model!
thanks for reading this yep :) 
*kisses and hugs, Nadira

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